Medical/Travel Security Assistance:
- (24/7) Jakarta Assistance Centre: +62 21 750 6001
- (24/7) Bali Assistance Centre: +62 21 766 4633
SOS Medika Clinics:
The clinic provides services to residents, both local and expatriate, as well as tourists and travelers: a 24-hour emergency room, x-ray facilities, in-house pharmacy, diagnostic services, family doctor consultations, dental services. Our team of medical professionals provides multi-lingual services (in English, Japanese, German, Mandarin, Dutch, Bahasa Indonesia) to patients in Jakarta and Bali. SOS MEDIKA manages two primary care clinics in Jakarta (Cipete and Kuningan) and one in Bali, with high standard facilities and stand-by emergency units with dedicated ambulances to provide 24/7 medical care to corporate and individual clients.
- Cipete Clinic
Address: Jl. Puri Sakti no. 10, Cipete Selatan - Antasari, Jakarta Selatan 12410, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: +62 21 750 5980
Email: cipete.pro@sosmedika.id - Kuningan Clinic
Menara Prima 2nd Floor
Address: Jl. DR Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung, blok 6.2, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta 12950, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: +62 21 5794 8600
Email: pro.kuningan@sosmedika.id - Bali Clinic
Address: Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No. 505X, Kuta 80221, Bali, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: +62 361 720 100
Email: bali.clinic@sosmedika.id
PT Siloam International Hospitals Tbk (Siloam) is Indonesia’s most progressive and innovative healthcare provider that has set the benchmark for high quality healthcare services in Indonesia.
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Call Center: 1500 181
Teleconsultation: https://www.siloamhospitals.com/en/mysiloam
Home-care Service: https://www.siloamhospitals.com/en/siloam-at-home
Siloam is now the largest hospital chain in Indonesia. As of 2022, the chain operates 41 Siloam hospitals and 30 Siloam clinics that serve 2 million patients each year.
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Duren Tiga Raya No. 20, Duren Tiga, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 2783 7900
Email: cs.shasri@siloamhospitals.com
2. Siloam Hospitals Bekasi Sepanjang Jaya
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jalan Pramuka No.12, Rawalumbu, Bekasi, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 5090 1900
Email: fo.shbs@siloamhospitals.com
3. Siloam Hospitals Bekasi Timur
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Chairil Anwar Blu Plaza No. 27, Bekasi Timur, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 8061 1900
Email: frontoffice.shbt@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Pajajaran No. 27, Babakan, Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0251) 8303 900
Email: info.shbg@siloamhospitals.com
5. Rumah Sakit Jantung Diagram - Siloam Hospitals Cinere
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Cinere Raya No. 19 Puri Cinere, Depok, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 5090 0100
Email: rsjantungdiagram@siloamhospitals.com
6. Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Raya Pejuangan Kav. 8, Kebon Jeruk Jakarta 11530, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 2567 7888
Email: info.shkj@siloamhospitals.com
7. Siloam Hospitals Kelapa Dua
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Kelapa Dua Raya No 1001 Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 8052 4900
Email: fo.shkd@siloamhospitals.com
8. Siloam Hospitals Lippo Village
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Siloam No. 6, Lippo Karawaci 1600 Tangerang Banten 15811, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 8064 6900
Email: info.shlv@siloamhospitals.com
9. Siloam Hospitals Lippo Cikarang
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. MH. Thamrin Kav 105, Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi 17550, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 2963 6900
Email: fo.shlc@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: JL. Mampang Prapatan XVI, Kel. Duren Tiga, Kec.
Pancoran, Kota Adm. Jakarta Selatan, Prov. DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 5010 2911 ext 29100, 29502
Email: sh.mampang@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Pahlawan No.60, Duren Jaya, Bekasi, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 8061 1800
Email: fo.shst@siloamhospitals.com
12. Siloam Hospitals TB Simatupang
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. RA. Kartini No. 8, Cilandak Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 2953 1900
Email: info.shtb@siloamhospitals.com
13. MRCCC Siloam Hospitals Semanggi
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Garnisun Dalam No. 2-3 Semanggi, 12930, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 2996 2888
WhatsApp Chat: 0815 1150 0181
Email: customer.caremrccc@siloamhospitals.com
14. Rumah Sakit Umum - Siloam Lippo Village
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Siloam No. 6, Lippo Karawaci 1600 Tangerang 15811, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 3952 1000
Email: paviliunb_shlv@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jalan Letjen. Suprapto Kav.60 No.1, RT.10/RW.7, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta 10510, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (021) 5089 6900
Email: fo.shag@siloamhospitals.com
16. Rumah Sakit Putera Bahagia - Siloam Hospitals Cirebon
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Ciremai Raya 114, Cirebon, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0231) 4990
WhatsApp Chat: 0896 5923 2300
Email: shcb.marcomm@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl Gajah Mada 104 Kaliwates, Jember, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0331) 286 1900
WhatsApp Chat: 0812 4913 9353
18. Siloam Hospitals Purwakarta
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Emergency Unit: (+62 264) 8628 911
Address: Jl. Bungursari No. 1 Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (+62 264) 8628 900
Whatsapp Chat: (+62 811) 1168 155
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Kompol Maksum No. 296, Peterongan, Semarang, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (024) 8600 1900
WhatsApp Chat: 0823 1230 1500
Email: frontoffice.shsr@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Raya Gubeng 70, Surabaya 60281, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (031) 9920 6900
Email: cs.shsb@siloamhospitals.com
21. Siloam Hospitals Yogyakarta
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Laksda Adisucipto No. 32-24 RT. 13, RW. 04, Demangan Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta, 55221, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0274) 4600 900
Email: info.shyg@siloamhospitals.com
22. Rumah Sakit Umum Syubbanul Wathon
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Magelang - Kopeng km 08 Tegalrejo Kabupaten Magelang 56192, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0293) 2911 900
WhatsApp Chat: 0821 3324 3001
Email: rsusyubbanulwathon@siloamhospitals.com
23. BIMC Kuta
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No.100X, Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0361) 761 263 / 0811 3960 8500
Email: admin@bimcbali.com
24. BIMC Nusa Dua
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Kawasan BTDC Blok D Nusa Dua 80363, Bali, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0361) 3000 911
Email: nusadua@bimcbali.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Sunset Road No. 818 Kuta, Badung, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0361) 779 900
Email: info.siloamhospitalsbali@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. R.W. Monginsidi, Kel. Fatululi, Kec. Oebobo Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0380) 853 0900
Email: info.shkp@siloamhospitals.com
27. Siloam Hospitals Labuan Bajo
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Gabriel Gampur, RT.013 RW.005 Kec. Komodo Kab. Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, 86754, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0385) 238 1900
Email: info.shlb@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Majapahit, Pagesangan, Kec. Mataram, Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat 83115, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0370) 600 1100
Email: gum.fo@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Soekarno Hatta (d/h Jl. Raya Koba) Km. 5 Kabupaten Bangka Tengah 33684, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0717) 9190 900
Email: info.siloambangka@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Soekarno Hatta Paal Merah Jambi, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0741) 591 9000
Email: shjb.cs@siloamhospitals.com
31. Siloam Hospitals Lubuklinggau
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Yos Sudarso Rt 11 Kelurahan Taba Jemekeh Kecamatan Lubuklinggau, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0733) 3035 900
Email: info.shll@siloamhospitals.com
Address: Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 6, Medan, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (061) 8888 1900
Email: info.shmd@siloamhospitals.com
33. Siloam Hospitals Palembang
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. POM IX Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0711) 522 9100
Email: info.shpl@siloamhospitals.com
34. Siloam Hospitals Balikpapan
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. MT. Haryono Dalam No. 23, Kelurahan Sungai Nangka, Kec. Balikpapan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur 76114, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0542) 886 2999
Email: cs.shbp@siloamhospitals.com
35. Siloam Hospitals Banjarmasin
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Ahmad Yani KM 2, RT 014 RW 002, Sungai Baru, Banjarmasin Tengah, Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0823) 5191 5137
Email: shbjfo@gmail.com
36. Siloam Hospitals Palangka Raya
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. RTA. Milono KM. 4 No. 425, Langkai, Pahandut, Kota Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0536) 800 1100
Email: cs.shpr@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Sultan Hasanudin Kel. Hative Kecil, Kec. Sirimau, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0911) 3811 900
WhatsApp Chat: 0812 3211 3804
Email: sh.ambon@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin No. 58, Baubau, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0402) 2825 555
Email: info.shbn@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Metro Tanjung Bunga Kav. 9 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0411) 3662 900
Email: info.shmk@siloamhospitals.com
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Boulevard Centre, Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 22 Manado, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0431) 7290 900
Email: info.shmn@siloamhospitals.com
41. Siloam Hospitals Paal Dua Manado
(24/7) Emergency & Ambulance: 1-500-911
Address: Jalan Yos Sudarso No. 38-40 Paal Dua, Kota Manado, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia
Appointment and Information: (0431) 7100 900 / 0889 7717 0007
WhatsApp Chat: 0853 9432 3190
Email: corporate.shpd@siloamhospitals.com