Healthcare Communication & Collaboration

Secured & Real-Time Messages

Send and receive messages with confidence, knowing your conversations are always safe and delivered in real time.

Photos, Videos, & File Attachments

Share important files instantly with care team members, right from within your chat.

Custom Teams & Channels

Organize your conversations and keep your team connected with easy-to-use team and channel management features.

Scheduling Tasks & Appointments

Never miss a deadline or appointment again with our easy-to-use scheduling tool.

Integrated E-Health Records

Get a complete view of patient health history with integrated e-health records, all in one place.

Interoperable & 100% Cloud-Based

Access your data from anywhere, on any device, with our interoperable and 100% cloud-based solution.



Empower team members to take action and keep track of team workflows, see their own schedule and the schedules of other team members. This can help them to coordinate their work and avoid scheduling conflicts, improving efficiency and reducing delays.


Based on the information of care team schedules, the AI bot assistant searches for a time that works for the patient and the specialists, schedules the appointment and sends notifications to the patient and care team members involved. This can help to reduce errors in scheduling by automatically checking for conflicts and double-booking.



say that

SEADOC has improved communication in care team for organizing tasks and appointments through SEADOC Connect, Scheduler, and Channels.


say that

SEADOC has improved team collaboration for sharing patient profiles, discussions, updates and follow-up needs through text, voice, and video.


feel more

connected to their team, more productive and less pressure on time, more transparency and better decision-making.


feel better

engaged with patients after treatments through secure group messaging between care teams, patients, and their families.


See What People Are Saying

SEADOC Testimonial Circles
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With a single connected system of provider network and care site, collaboration and communication are simple. Collaborate on patient care plans with other staffs by sharing patient records directly through our connections. Not only increase new patient appointments but also reduce no-shows by sending patient reminders automatically via SMS, in-app push notification.

Dr. Jazmine Pastesca


For Enterprise

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