SEADOC is a medical network where doctors and healthcare professionals collaborate, communicate and contribute together for medical knowledge and career advancement. When you join, you help the healthcare professional community to learn, grow and create social benefits.

The following Community Guidelines are here to help you understand what it means to be a member of the community. Please be aware that your activities including comments, clinical cases, and posts on SEADOC are subject to this Guidelines.

Be Kind

  • SEADOC is a respectful and professional environment where doctors and healthcare professionals from many different backgrounds and countries come together to share their medical knowledge and learn from one another. Do not share any comment on SEADOC that is bullying, and harassment is not tolerated on SEADOC. Insensitive, lewd, or otherwise unprofessional comments are not appropriate for this community and will be removed.

Be Ethical

  • Respect the patients. Apply the same ethical principles you use in your practice to what you share on SEADOC. Please don’t write anything on SEADOC that you wouldn’t say in front of a patient. If you wouldn’t say something in front of a patient, please don’t say it here.
  • Maintain patient privacy at all times. When creating a clinical case, post or comment, you must never include identifying patient information. Remove all personally identifying information (or information which could be used to identify an individual) regarding the person. Only share: clinical information about your direct patient care experience, or share cases of the patients in their direct clinical care. Not share: medical conditions outside the scope of your practice, or your own medical conditions, or those of your family or friends or relatives (staff or household members of that person). Any clinical case, post or comment that violates this will be removed. It is your responsibility to maintain patient privacy at all times.

Be Professional

  • Share content that is relevant to the community. We welcome content that contributes to your fellow member’s medical knowledge and career advancement. Share de-identified patient stories without images, discuss a new medical technology being used in your institution, ask about procedures and treatments, propose clinical topics for discussions, list career recruitment in your workplace, or share any information that you think our community will benefit from.
  • Support your contributions with data. We recognize that not all treatments have been tested by clinical trials, clinical information and discussion on SEADOC must have a scientific basis. Failure to provide sufficient support or data (when requested) may result in your post of clinical case being removed.
  • Give credit to the author. We encourage the sharing of helpful resources such as articles, news, peer-reviewed publications, etc., as long as they are relevant, publicly available, and cited accordingly. If you’ve found value in a clinical case or an interactive piece of content on SEADOC, please use our built-in share function to send it to your colleagues and peers. Taking screenshots of a clinical case, comment, or any other contribution on SEADOC and sharing them elsewhere, without crediting the source, is a violation.
  • Avoid spamming organizational and promotional content. While members are welcome to tell the community about a project that they are working on, spamming the community with commercial interests is not permitted. If your organization is interested in commercial opportunities on SEADOC, please contact us and we will be happy to connect you to our Business Development team.

Be Trustworthy. We require you to use your true identity on SEADOC, provide accurate information about yourself, and only share information that is real and authentic. It’s your legal responsibility for your own falsification and fraudulent activities on SEADOC.

  • Do not create a fake profile or misleading information about yourself, your identity, your qualifications, work experience, or achievements.
  • Do not use an image of someone else, or any other image that is not your likeness, for your profile photo.
  • Do not use or attempt to use another person's SEADOC account or create a member profile for anyone other than yourself.
  • Do not share your SEADOC account with anyone else.

These Community Guidelines are developed to ensure that everyone in the SEADOC community can engage in meaningful contribution.

If you don’t feel that you can abide by our Community Guidelines as outlined above, SEADOC might not be right for you.

If you see something that you think may violate any of our Community Guidelines, please help us by using our built-in reporting function. We have a global team that reviews these reports and works to remove any content or account that violates our Community Guidelines.

If you have any questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to email us at


Updated January 1, 2023